Tuesday, June 29, 2010

summer in antigua and the weather is lovely today

summer in antigua and the weather is lovely today. here is a photo of what i'm speaking about. The mangroves were shot in the narrows between Guiana Island and the main land where the eco tour visits daily. perfect for a holiday day out!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Xtreme and Eco are busy this week!

Of course as soon as we get very busy (spring holidays) we get problems with either our equipment or our crew. Last week we had a few electrical problems which are now sorted out and now this week we have had poor JD come down with a bad throat infection.
We have taken on some extra crew since we are also doing several trips a week on the catamaran as well. Anyway, this week i have been skippering Xtreme doing around the island trips. It's been quite windy for a change too so the waters have been a bit bumpy at times. Everyone has been enjoying it and that is always very cool for me.
We have seen dolphins and turtles but this week there hasn't been any whales! I am hoping that today I get to see some. All the crew who snorkel regularly at Pillars of Hercules are saying that they hear whales from time to time. I haven't heard them before but know from TV what they sound like. Trevor tells me that there is no doubt what the sound is, but sometimes it sounds like it's right next to you. If you are following me "antigua" on twitter, then you will see photos I upload as i cruise along around the island. Enjoy!
The photo above is one i uploaded yesterday from my phone.