Sunday, October 25, 2009

baby hawksbill turtle photo

This tiny hawksbill was one of about 145 turtles that hatched out the night before the photo was taken. Unfortunately four of the little turtles didn't make it out of the nest and were stuck 18 inches below the sandy surface. This is fairly normal, and together with several spoiled eggs they usually perish inside the nest. Turtle moniters usually "Excavate" the nest a day after it hatches to see how many didn't make it. IF they find live ones they let them go during the next night. While in Barbuda recently doing a turtle nesting count we found a bunch of tiny tracks from the little ones who had made it into the sea the night before. Here is the strongest of the four that we found. We released them in the hope that they may have a second chance. One in one thousand reaches maturity.

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